About Us

Who We Are

We created Soul Group Media, LLC, an alternative pod-cast and music channel, because we believe you shouldn’t have to be wealthy, well-known or well-connected to create progressive pods. Down to a wo(man), we all grew up poor to middlin’, and the voices you will hear on this channel may be famous within their tribes, but they’re hardly rolling in the dough. We believe the best voices are the most authentic, and the ones that are often, least likely to be heard. In addition to Shelter in Place, Soul Group is in the process of planning several other podcasts.

Christine Poarch

Christine dragged the rest of us into this little experiment called Soul Group Media. Most likely to be awake while the rest of us are sleeping, Christine is an immigration attorney, a solid 8 on the enneagram, and the reason we call her husband Poor Joey. 


Joey Poarch

Married to Christine (poor Joey) and father of three girls, Joey is surrounded by women, including a female Chessie named Blue. Joey runs Liquor Cycle Productions, LLC which produces Soul Group Media’s podcasts. He loves to travel and plays guitar for the band Chasing Fall. 


Alan Combs

Alan Combs grew in Powhatan, VA, and now he moves around every so often as a United Methodist Pastor. He loves Thrice, Flannery O’Connor, Walker Percy, and Ska Music. His best attribute is that he’s married to Morgan, with whom he shares 3 children.

Morgan Combs

A lover of all things Bravo TV and an amateur cult enthusiast in her spare time. Morgan and Alan have been married for 13 years and have three children. Although she is a pastor’s wife, she doesn’t play piano or sing in the choir.